Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today is the lowest I've felt in the last ten months.
Useless, incompetent, unwanted, and alone.

Tablet time.


JL said...

lay on the carpet.. have a good cry.. catch yourself in the mirror.. get disgusted.. take a shower.. wander outdoors.. eat something. when you heal, write.

i dread those days, but she's right, they do pass.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have to go through this things to appreciate the brighter days of our lives.

We all have to withdraw from the world from time to time. To recollect, reflect, and be better.

Remember the caterpillar, bud? It had to withdraw from the world for a time to become better and fly.

Go on and withdraw me, natalie, jasi and even paper, and your blog-friends will be waiting.

melon collie said...

thanks, people.
i feel much better now.

About Me

a recluse waiting for salvation