Monday, February 07, 2005

somebody to love

There's no point in saying something what somebody else before you has already said in a manner that is more succinct than you are capable of.

When the truth is found to be lies
and the joy within you dies
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

I hate it when the V day is less than a week away and I'm singing love songs to a computer screen.



saba said...

I beat you at the 'Guess Who's Lamer/Cheesier' competition.

I say 'I love you' about 5000 times everyday - to my cat.

melon collie said...

ok ok..... so i concede that round.....
hmmm.....wonder what your cat feels about it though.....

saba said...

She knows I will always wake up for her, even from the throes of a deep, deep sleep to trudge to the kitchen to give her food. Other than that, I am just her scratching pole.

The Cat said...

Sing to me then.

You Know Who

The Cat said...

Voldemorts evil cousin

About Me

a recluse waiting for salvation