Friday, July 21, 2006

Wish, as ever.

I just wish tomorrow goes by as quickly , and as painlessly, as possible .

The sun is the same
in a relative way,
But you're older.
Shorter of breath, and
One year closer to death.


S. said...

happy birthday, mi amigo. it'll be great, just you wait and see.

melon collie said...

thank you sidrah. i appreciate it much :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday...wish you all the happiness in the world .. mine too.

saba said...

happy belated birthday. :)

melon collie said...

anon, thanks

saba, thank you!

Rimi said...

EmCee, the old bones kept me away. I've aged faster, I think. I hope the birthday went reasonably excellently for an apparant pain addict. If you are going to die anyway, stun them with the dazzle of your smile first, is what I always say :-)

Walrus said...

ah well.. too late for the birthday. Happy *the-day-you-see-this*

JL said...

ticking away the moments...
sorry for my absense. wishing you the very best these pixles have to offer. virtual affection

sam said...

happy birthday melon

About Me

a recluse waiting for salvation